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Why are we doing this ridiculous trip you ask?

- We’re lucky enough and fortunate enough to be able to see the world.
- We like getting into conversations with people who can’t understand us.

- We like pretending we have car mechanical knowledge.
- We cant wait to use grand hand gestures with loud, slow voices to try and be understood by people who never will.

- We enjoy expecting the unexpected.

- To adventure before dementia. 
- To drive through amazing places like Azerbaijan, Turkey, Kazakhstan, Siberia and Mongolia.
- To give you the chance to sponsor a car like NASCAR does.

And most importantly, to raise money for our chosen charity. 














As The Adventurists so perfectly put it:

"We believe the world is far too safe and organised, that we’ve come to live in ever decreasing circles of freedom. Fear of

litigation, greed and a spineless refusal to take responsibility for ourselves have robbed us of one of the most interesting things in life: the unexpected."
- The Adventurists 







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© 2017 by Haylee, Patrick, Natalie & James.

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