Created by The Adventurists, the Mongol Rally is 10,000 miles of feral, unsupported adventuring chaos from the UK to the middle of woop woop, aka Ulan-Ude, Russia. Approximately 300 teams will participate in cars that even your dog wouldn't be caught driving in, all for the adventure and to raise money for charity. We will drive on some of the worst roads in the world, over mountains and through deserts.
Get it? We're going to be pulled over and break down a lot.
The rules are few and simple:
1. Small and shit:
You can take any car, as long as it's crap with an engine of 1.2 litre or less. You need to drive a small, shit car to make the rally tougher. If you want an easy holiday go for a spa weekend. With a small car you're more likely to break down so you're more likely to interact with the locals, so you can remind yourself you're alive without jamming a fork into your leg.
2. On your own:
Ain't no support or road backup allowed, no sir! If it's not dangerous and you aren't lost, you're not on an adventure. If you get stuck or in trouble, you need to solve the problem yourself. Any ‘Help! We’re broken down in Kazakhstan,’ type phone calls to Rally HQ will be met with a snort of derision and a click of the receiver.
3. Save the world:
All teams must do their part to save this wonderful world of ours. Teams are asked to raise a minimum of £1000 for charity. £500 will go to the official charity of the rally, Cool Earth, the other £500 can be donated to a charity of the teams choice.
Sound crazy? Sounds like the Mongol Rally!
The rally is all about adventure and charity. If you cross the finish line in first place, you will neither be rewarded nor will you be declared the winner. Not at all. Real winners are those who give it a bash and make memories. The first rally took place in 2004 with only six teams, since then over 1.9 million pounds have been raised for charity with teams entering from all around the world.