Friday 18th August - Rolling On The River
Our third day in Mongolia proved to be an interested and hair-raising one. The stretch from Altai to Bayankhongor is notorious for being...

Thursday 17th August - Hunt for the 15,000 Year Old Cave
After stumbling upon a hotel the night before that had a number of ralliers staying in it we were glad to touch base with a lovely...

Wednesday 16th August - Mongolian Insurance Scams
Waking up in the yurt Haylee and Patrick most likely needed a chiropractor. Cultural experiences such as this fantastic one come at a...

Tuesday 15th August - No Man's Land & Yurts
We packed up our tents as quick as we could. The aim for today was to reach the Mongolian border before it closed. We'd heard that teams...

Monday 14th August - Wild camping under the stars of Russia
Maccas served as our greasy yet satisfying breakfast this morning. It was the western fast food goodness that we needed. Everyone was...

Sunday 13th August - The Crowpocalypse & the Mudpocalypse
We enjoyed breakfast with Anja and discussed our plans for the next few days. Anja and her boyfriend Matthias have a flight booked on...

Saturday 12th August - 'What do you recommend?' 'The manta ray is good'
After some breakfast at the hotel (which of course consisted of some oily eggs, bread and cheese) we played tetris with our car again and...

Friday 11th August - Entering the death star
Rest days are a rare thing on the Mongol Rally but we were well overdue for one. Plus how could anyone resist the amazing city of...

Thursday 10th August - Police bribes and hitchhikers
This morning we said a temporary goodbye to our Swedish convoy friends as they've decided to leave Kazakhstan to travel north to Omsk...

Wednesday 9th August - Karaoke in Kazakhstan
We woke up with the sun beaming down on our tents making them a mini sauna. It was going to be a hot one today. Fitting everything back...